Mentally Somewhere Else

Travel Blunders

Mentally Somewhere Else Season 1 Episode 16

Some people say that you should travel so that "you have stories to tell not stuff to show". WELL. When we asked for your travel stories and blunders, it was a storytelling. festival. From airplane delays to more foreign bathroom mishaps that we could have imagined, you all delivered plenty of follies that made us laugh. Thank you for all of your submissions and allowing us to go "Mentally Somewhere Else" with you this week.

Our Insta:@mentallysomewhereelsepod
Our TikTok: @mentallysomewhereelsepod

Personal Accounts:
Parker: @shawphotofilm
TikTok: @parkershawty
Mercedes: @mercedes-shaw4
TikTok: @mercedessw14

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