Mentally Somewhere Else

Do these Sillybandz Make Me Look Fat?

Mentally Somewhere Else Season 2 Episode 1

The dynamic duo is back for Season 2! Parker and Mercedes are so excited for this next chapter of Mentally Somewhere Else and we are so excited to have you join us. We kick things off with a much-needed life update and then top off our episode on a lighter note discussing our favorite and least favorite past trends.

Just like last year, we are going to jump right into Spooky Season with our HIGHLY REQUESTED scary story episodes. If you'd like to submit your own spooky tale, you can submit via our Instagram link in bio, or here: 

Our Insta:@mentallysomewhereelsepod
Our TikTok: @mentallysomewhereelsepod

Personal Accounts:
Parker: @shawphotofilm
TikTok: @parkershawty
Mercedes: @mercedes-shaw4
TikTok: @mercedessw14

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